Yesssss! One of my favorite remix artists did a remix of one of my tunes, clubbier than most of his work: CRY.ON.MY.CONSOLE remixed “with our lips glued together” and put it online here. Merci beaucoup! I love it.
DDF said: “This tune is orgazmic glitchatroniks of extraordinary magnitude!” 🙂
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Next episode of the show reviews: The DAUGHTERS played after PHANTOM LIMBS and that was exactly the kind of music I needed. Brutal, yet complex, well-played but fun. Each song a short attack, a smashing hardcore infusion. I like contrast and I got it here, in details, for example that feminine looking drummer hammering out this merciless double bass drum barefooted. Their singer did an amusing psycho show, standing with his back to the audience (maybe to show off his hankie code? 😉 ), did awesome screaming in the songs and grumbling about being sick between the songs. Reminded me of a bad mooded tomcat, especially when he complained about having coughed so hard that he had to puke, and then pulled a hair from his mouth – my cat always does that: first eat hair, then get grumpy and cough, then puke out those slimy hairballs. Bah. The bassplayer next to him had this nice bad guy moustache and headbanging metal posing – but hey, a 5 string bass guitar? I don’t knooow… Ach, lovely to watch, this band, and great music. Oh – and when I was uploading those pictures of the show I wondered: one of their guitar players either reminds me of someone else or he already has been here with another band. I hate it if my memory is so bad.
At some point late that night I was rather drunk and drove home with those guys, after chatting a while in my kitchen they they decided to board my laundry room and then I was far too tired to stay with them till their clothes were ready for the dryer, so I went to bed. Next morning it nevertheless seemed to be me who was most tired and I hope I wasn’t too grumpy when I made breakfast.
Only a short time after they left I also got myself ready for driving to Munich with Cris ‘unmono’ to play our second show together and to watch Lightning Bolt. It was nice to meet the dear Kafe Kult cru again and also Jörg from Esslingen and whoever else was there. Before us there was a local kraut/postrock band playing, really not bad, but a bit too hectic for my poor hungover head when they played some free jazz parts.
Our set worked out okayish, I think, at least it was fun to play, freeing (which still is the best feeling you can get from music), and people seemed to get into it.
LIGHTNING BOLT were breathtaking. The only other show I remember being equally loud was Ministry back in 1992. Still Lightning Bolt are anything but one of those loudness=dick size bands but two nice and caring guys who warned everybody to cover their ears before they started. Seems more like the loudness is about giving a bodily experience of their music. Although they are a noise monster of a band and their drummer is one of the hardest hitting and fastest I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch – not that the bass player is any slower – their music didn’t feel aggressive… it’s hard to describe but maybe it was the harmonies of the bass lines or the superdistorted little flakes of melodies the drummer sang or screamed with his self-built microphone thingy stuck between his teeth.
Most impressing band of the year. Or at least struggling hard for that title with Xiu Xiu.
Lari with who I played in The Flamingo Massacres reminded me that Armin of X-Mist wanted to sent us on tour with them years ago – looking back I’m really sad that they didn’t come over back then. I could have listened to them for hours.
After the show we talked far too long – it was 5 in the morning when we were finally back in Nuremberg.
And now I’m too tired to write on, but the TREND show review will follow. I can’t remember ever having seen so many good bands in such a short period.