Great news: indietronica label Keplar will release my “Gestures Of Indifference” album in May, then it will be distributed by Hausmusik/A-Musik.
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Millipede Records just released a Dischord Records Tribute Compilation which has songs by bands like The Robocop Kraus, Amen 81 and Genetiks on it, and also one track by me: Circus Lupus and Shudder To Think combined to one coverversion, and my Fugazi “reprovisional” cover as hidden track.
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I’d like to thank the people in Bayreuth and Göttingen for the shows and dj gig there – I had lots of fun. I got some more shows confirmed, also some more djing. I’ll play live on 11 march in Mühlheim with Experimental Dental School
— Experimental Dental School have their roots
— in the Bay Area art rock scene and play really
— weird music somewhere between Vaudeville sounds
— and bands like Deerhoof, Numbers or Hella. You
— can listen to some of their tunes here.
and on 12 march in Munich. After both of these shows Nurotic Soundsystem will be djing, that’s Tobi Lindemann and me spinning the weirdest Breakcore, Glitchpop, Digital Hardcore tracks.
Sophisticated Boom Boom, the electro/mash up/indie party I put on with 5 friends, will have its next eruption on 26 february in Nürnberg and we invited the perfect live band to start the party: THE VCR, a punky electro band from Richmond, Virginia.
Here’s links to two VCR songs: “King And Queen Of Winter”, “Rad”.
We are also planning for another big Go Bang! party, this time with hopefully will have Riton playing live and guest djs from Zündfunk.
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I’m happy that we got a date fixed for a Ladyfest in memoriam Tine Plesch in Nürnberg (16-18 december), will be fun organizing this. We are not sure yet if we will strictly stick to the Ladyfest idea for this, or if we will try to interweave ideas like those of the “Different Kind Of Dudes” fest.
I’m not totally happy with the idea of a Ladyfest as an art and theory event that excludes men. It has a rather hermetic feel but then I’m one of those women who already somehow found their way to do what they want to do. There’s others who don’t dare to and I give it that it might be necessary to first build this artificial platform as a possibility for women to weave a network (which still can be pretty hard in an everyday pop and art world that has such an overweight of men).
The two most important things about such a fest to me are encouragement and having a good party. I want that at least for one weekend we have more females on stage, more females doing the organisation, more females in the audience.