Tobi convinced me to get back to something I’ve actually missed quite a bit: Hosting a radio show. Castrop on Radio Z. Weekly would be a bit too time-consuming for me, so it will be a two-weeks rhythm with Tobi and me taking turns. Hope it will be quaaaality!
Turn on the radio or livestream every Thursday 03:00 pm (c.e.t.)! My first show will be on the 2nd of October.
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I’ve finished a new song: “We Dance Alone (We’re so 1984)”.
It’s up in my myspace player and here.
The lyrics go:
“we are synchronized
we are immune
when we rectify
we think in tune
we dance alone
we’re so 1984
we’re the peter-pan-teens
numbed by adervertising
numbed by a million screens
we dance alone
we’re well-trained to shy complexity
a little lost to the beauty of conspiracy
we dance alone
since each of our steps gets filmed
we act as if we could rewind anytime
we act as actors but
we dance alone
shot down with promises
our mouths got sewed
we’re tied up with premises
look to tvs for a clue
we dance alone
we get by
thinking ‘we could’
sometimes even
‘we should’
while we patiently
hold the line
sit tight
we gotcha”