“You are invited by anyone to do anything
You are invited for all time”
Dismemberment Plan
We have received the cutest invitation from Frauke for Basso in Berlin (8th of September, mark your calendars: Tobi and I will spin some records under our Nurotic Soundsystem moniker and I will play live, and Zimmer and Selfintoxicated will play some tunes too.)
I hope to see all my silly friends who left Nürnberg for Berlin! And hopefully some people more than that.
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Most of the time I’m pretty happy with all the neverending pieces of work that make up my job and work off one after the other. Sometimes though, the fact that it is indeed a neverending stream of ‘to dos’ makes it feel like Sisyphus work. All the small things suddenly gang together into something too monstrously big to cope with. Instead of running that wheel till I’m a nervous wreck – which is what I’ve done for too many years, I haven’t been on a real holiday for ages – by now I’ve learned to take a little break in such situations. So last Monday I left everything behind and drove to Munich to visit Kerstin and Tobi and the Kafe Kult and see Steffi, ach – it was the best thing I could have done. At the Kult Josef moaned a bit about how bands and the scene are NAGATUTB which made me think of my last blog entry and “to tell the truth”: I’m really not sick of it all. The No Age and Mika Miko show at the Kafe Kult proved that to me once more. It was one of those perfect scenario nights. Sparkling. Grinning. Dancing. Sweat. Friends. I think my favourite cool is being cool by being through being cool.