“Who took the ram from the ramalamadingdong?”
Le Tigre
Don’t have time to write much today but MELTING POP was wonderful. I think in the end there were almost 1000 guests and no problems at all. Okay, some minor ones but really nothing serious.
Ach, except for one thing: I got a unicorn as a present that night and it sat on the dj desk all night but when we entered the stage it suddenly was gone. It was no surprise that under those circumstances we played a lousy set. It didn’t help either that the cd players got stuck and stuttered all the time and that the record players gave feedback if you turned them up properly. It was fun but lousy, no use pretending. Anyway –
I assume that the unicorn didn’t run away as – which you might have guessed – it was no real unicorn but a stuffed one. So, dear everyone-who-was-there:
Stealing drinks, stealing mobiles, stealing bikes, trying to steal yourself in without paying entry although we keep it as low as possible – I know those things happen and they are already pretty low.
But stealing unicorns?!
What has the world come to?
That’s lower than low, you scum!
At least I haven’t received any ransom demands yet.
Well, thanks to everyone who helped making this such a great night, guests, djs, musikverein staff – it was really nice to be a part of this again.
And special thanks to the best photographer in the world! I was too lazy but Corinna (I owe you a drink if I got your name wrong! Or you may kill me if you like that better.) was so nice to take over my digi and she took plenty of snaps. It’s like a kid unwrapping a christmas present if you get a camera back, brimfull with pictures you haven’t taken yourself.
So here’s a slide show with some pictures, see all of them in the pictures section.
PS.: If someone is driving from Nürnberg to the World/Inferno Friendship Society show in Würzburg on Thursday (31. july) and has a free space – please get in touch!