“Fake moustaches will save the world!” – party spam & a manifesto

“M-M-M-M-M-M Moustache
One hundred hairs make a man”

Attention, attention! Tomorrow! Friday, 28th of March!
Please let me invite you to another brandnew and shiny edition of SOPHISTICATED BOOM BOOM!
Doors will be open from 22 till late.Eintritt ist frei.
DJs are Jool + Von Landadel + Eve Massacre, bar crew is Melinda + Poe + Jessy, und für sichere Garderobe zum Jackenverstauen sorgt Philipp.

In our constant effort to save the world this time we focus on the power of the faux moustache and we hope you will join us.

Someone asked me: “Why moustaches?”

My more or less helpful and more or less serious answer is: I don’t like real moustaches.* I do like fighting fire with fire.

A lot of real moustaches and beards send out the message: “See how male I am? I got nothing in common with you. I can hide half of my face in my masculinity, totally pokerface-style.” Wearing a beard or moustache thus means giving in to the fallacy that we’re trapped in our biological sex: Real men don’t show emotions, blabla, there’s a proportional relation between being a real man and your ability to grow facial hair, yaddayadda, real men cultivate their biological differences, etc.

Fake moustaches instead let everybody chose. Equally. Fake moustaches are cute and sticky genderqueering furry little things that make everyone look equally silly, and as the mighty SOOPHIE NUN SQUAD** have already taught us years ago: Things that make you look silly make it hard to come across cool and to remain a bystander. Fake moustaches make you take a second look at whom you’re partying with. Fake moustaches make you care. Fake moustaches make you get involved. Oh, and of course fake fur is much cuddlier than the real thing, which in my humble opinion is one of the greatest accomplishments of our artificial times.As an alternative we will of course accept painted moustaches and fingerstaches.

*) My dear bear friends will hopefully forgive me! Of course there are exceptions. For example I like Wolverine, Freddy Mercury, the depressive walrus in ’Urmel’, Leon Trotsky, and of course Hercule Poirot.

**) Dear Soophie Nun Squad, I miss you.

PS.: More people should listen to JUICEBOXXX.

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